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Note – This story will make more sense if you read the other chapters first, but it can be read on its own. If he wanted my butt, then I was going to require his cock in my pussy until I came, or at least his tongue between my legs. God Im there, Im there, dont slow down, oh yeah, oh yeahhhhhhh, oh SHIIIIT, FUUUUUCKKK. My wife is one of those girls who cums if her cervix gets bumped enough. Sucking it quickly in and out of my mouth, between tight lips. I felt that my voice sounded more weak than authoritative since I haven’t had sex in a while ChloeAndrews porn the view of the bulge in ChloeAndrews webcam pants got me so wet and turned on, that I really wanted this. With infinite care, I pressed inward, savoring the deliciously tight passage I was invading.