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Its when a woman wears a strap on dildo and fucks a man with it. He ran his finger down the crack of her ass to her pussy, which was wet. There was already a cloud on my mind and I didnt think about using the lube, but it didnt matter. He held on to me so tight as he came, moaning my name over and over again as the last dribbles of cum seeped from his cock, and softening, he slid out of my ass, and for the second time that night, collapsed onto the ground. He fucked her with the inside dildo till she was Evellyn porn about to climax. She crawled up onto the bed, running her nipples along his legs, enjoying the feel of the hair on his legs teasing her nipples into an even more aroused state. We didnt even make it through the night without taking a shower and going at it again, only to sleep in the next day.