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All together we were a couple for about 5 years, but in the end it just fizzled out. Her melon-sized left breast swayed to and fro like a fleshy pendulum, its nipple grazing the mans chest, as she humped her hairy pussy on his stiff prick. I got onto the bed behind her and rubbed my cock up and down her moist slit. There was no need to look down, I already knew that my nipples had formed tight aching buds under the very brief bikini top I had on. A hand ran across the hard bulge in his pants, enticing, teasing, tempting and, hearing him moan against her, she moved back. He knew that women were different and somethings which excited some did nothing for others. She invited me in and Rose webcam me to sit down on the couch. I had cum a couple times as he fucked my Rose porn and just had to feel that big thing in my ass.