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She said her family was all out and she had the house to herself. I howled as he hit them again and again, counting off the strokes as he went. Not that I am very particular about my patients wearing the examining gowns. Naked now, I proceeded to give myself the enemas and flush myself, wondering whether I was being watched, blushing at this intimate act of preparation, cleaning myself thoroughly after flushing. Watching my prolonged butt fucking had clearly aroused her enormously because she came twice in quick succession with a rush of creamy wetness. “Now my asshole, you dirty slut.” I obliged, searching through the thick pubic hair with my tongue until SweetChyou webcam found her puckered anus. Today, though, i was so frustrated I thought I was going to just start crying if I didnt get some relief. The older girl delighted in activating the toy at different settings, soft pulses, prolonged vibrations, sudden short bursts of vigorous movements that felt SweetChyou porn Dawns ass was getting drilled, all to keep Dawn on the precipice of a powerful anal orgasm.