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Every now and then a kind of special woman will come along who appreciates what I do and also, well, flirts with me. The summer was warm enough to not wear stockings, and her eyes followed the curve of her smooth legs right up to her ass cheeks. Michael I told you I was a pain whore, open my suitcase take what you want pay the bills now let me sleep. Padraic groaned as he withdrew his cock from her cunt xtina_ porn pulling her quivering ass cheeks further apart squirted a small amount xtina_ webcam extra oil before positioning his cock there. Pulling my cock out I notice her hole stayed open to the size of my cock. She reached down and pushed two fingers deep inside her feeling that perfect spot and stroking it over and over while she continued to jerk her hard, wet cock against her clit. My face to the side, panting, I felt him lift his hips a bit higher, pulling back into the mattress, then slamming into my core.